It’s Your Time – What Are You Going to Do?

06 Dec 2012, by michelle in Featured, personal development


When it was your time to make a move, to take a leap, or to go for what you wanted, have you ever froze?

One of my earliest memories of that happening to me was being chosen to go on stage for the live children’s television show called the “Bozo Show.”  Bozo was a clown, who made us all laugh with fun and games played on his show.  One of the games played was called Bozo Buckets.  That was the game I was called on stage to play.

Bozo buckets is played by having each contestant line up in front of a row of buckets.  The buckets start just a few inches from under your feet and then get further and further away from you.  Each participant tries to get a ball into each bucket, trying to progress further and further down the line.   The game is set up so everyone wins at least one prize because the first bucket is nearly impossible to miss.  The goal is to become the “Grand-Prize Winner” being the one who gets a ball in the furthest bucket.

I was just a wee-little thing, maybe five or six years old.  I remember being lined up with other kids and a huge audience staring at us all.  Suddenly it was my turn.  There in front of me, nearly under my feet, was the first bucket.  Before I knew what was going on I was handed a ball and immediately threw it.  No focus, no aim, just a throw. And….I completely missed the bucket.

Now let me reiterate the fact that NO ONE misses the first bucket – not even two or three year olds.  It was that easy.

What happened?  I froze.

In a matter of nano-seconds, a part of my inner world was shattered. Bozo buckets is my first memory of shame.  No one shamed me, per say, that I remember.  What I remember is my own sense of disappointment and feeling not good enough.  I blew it!

This little girl who blew the bozo buckets has stayed with me unconsciously for a very long time.  She’s the part of me that easily got hurt about not being enough.  She’s also the part of me who tried extra hard not to disappoint, to prove my worth, and to be a source of pride.

The fact is, she is still with me.  The difference is she is no longer my shadow.  I am conscious of her now.  She still shows up as my fears, my uncertainties, and my doubts.  My job is to recognize her calling and to address her needs from love rather than fear.

We all have moments of being scared of our own shadows that cast self-doubts.  Sometimes these self-doubts show up as not feeling good enough to claim what we really desire, and hold onto the belief that your dream is possible.  Other times, the shadow appears as a sense of uncertainty about what the future holds for you.  Your unconscious fears get triggered, which holds you back from the full freedom of being you.

We have always had the choice as to whether to believe in our Empowered Selves over our small selves.

Making your Empowered SELF front and center in your life is crucial now more than ever!

As I stated at the end of 2011, 2012 is a year of letting go.  Let go of old ways of viewing yourself, of habits that no longer serve you, of tolerating less than what your heart desires for you to have in all areas of your life.

Now, prior to our shift into 2013, is an opportunity: an energetic portal that is about supporting you to shift out of unconscious fear and awaken to the greater good, power, and love that exists within you and within the world.

This is your time: a time of creating a new inner grid from which you navigate your life and the great news is that doing so is easier than you think.

Don’t allow your small self to ignore how important an inner shift is needed.

Let me show you what I have learned, so you can utilize this momentous time of awakening to greater love to nourish and fuel you and the special creations you were born to share.

Join me for a live online seminar on 12/12/12 at 12pm Central

by signing up at

And if you know others who are ready to increase self-compassion and enhance their natural vibrancy, please pass this information along so they too can join us as well.

Shifting to Greater Love Together,


PS: For those of you near the Milwaukee area, come for a special in-person event at Feronia Wellness this Saturday, Dec 8th beginning at 1pm.  Amazing teachers are coming together to share how to Embrace the Shift!

Enjoy mediation, teachings, and a sound healing concert.

For more information, click here.




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