Find Greater Joy & Fulfillment through Connection!

01 Dec 2010, by michelle in personal development, self-care, Stress

Connection is the key to expansion and December is such a wonderful month to connect!  I know for many of you, your plates can feel like you have enough servings for four people instead of just you.  As we step into a month that is known for hustling and bustling, slow down to reflect how your energy is best used.

What will bring you joy, fulfillment, or laughter?

What does your essence feel called to do prior to the end of 2010?

holding earthBecause who you are is a one-of-a-kind ball of energy, you are deeply needed in the world.  How you are needed may appear simple at times, like almost anyone could fill in.  However, the fact you are in any given circumstance brings unique perspective, talents, feelings and actions that no one else can offer in the same manner.

Often times, your ego will dismiss how significant you really are, how you really do touch others and the numerous ways your energy can be applied.   You hear reasons in your mind as to why you should not offer your energy.  I understand.  I get tired too, especially during the holidays.  This is a signal to get back on track to what will bring you greater internal wealth.  Often times, energy is leaked on trying to create external circumstances that appear abundant rather than feel abundant.

To get back on track, do the following:

  1. Think about how you can give of yourself that has nothing to do about the holidays.  You just do it because it feels right to you.
  2. Reach out to those who need support.  This can be anything from supporting those with less material access to calling up a family member.
  3. Chose joy over perfection.  So what if your holiday cards got out late if it meant you had time to bake cookies with the kids.  Think of memories created through personal connection over what our should-do list tells you to-do.
  4. Be open to experiences that scare you due to the fact you are being called to go outside your comfort zone.  This is an amazing gift for you to see more of your true potential!

open handed giving groupWhen you connect to others in this way, you expand, your energy increases and you feel greater personal empowerment.    What a great way to end the year!

You are so deeply needed.  You are offered numerous opportunities to connect in ways that may seem insignificant to your ego, yet can have profound effect in other people’s lives.  Choose what will fuel you internally through the expansiveness of connection and you will create a fulfilling, memorable and joy-filled December!

Happy Holidays!

Live Consciously – Live Exceptionally Well,



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