What’s Getting In Your Way?

28 Mar 2014, by michelle in personal development

Your inner glass ceiling is the story inside of you that gets in the way of you claiming your ideal in any area of your life.

woman under glass ceilingYour Inner Glass Ceiling causes:

  • Self-Sabotage
  • Distraction
  • Procrastination
  • Not Following Through
  • Giving Up

Sound familiar? Tell me about it!

I knew my Inner Glass Ceiling far too long and have created a process that repeatedly works to break through your inner glass ceiling in any part of your life.

Where do you want to claim more of your ideal?

  • Health
  • Finances
  • Intimate Relationship
  • Career
  • Emotional Vitality
  • Weight
  • Children and/or Family


impossible quoteYou are the leader and creator of your reality. This means you get to determine your life, your legacy, and how those you care about will remember you.


If I had an event that allowed you to wake up from your old stories that don’t serve you, would you come?

If yes, then join me by registering here:

If no, then you really need to join me because what I am going to teach you is how to:

– Bust through common set points in your career, wealth, weight, relationships & more
– Work with your fears rather than try to push past them.
– Recognize what sets you up to fail.
– Overcome what has sabotaged your previous goals
– Create a new story that serves you rather than limits you!

Please tell me you that you are a YES!! Alright, then register here:

“See” you soon!

Warm Best,
michelle signature


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