If I Only Knew….

21 Aug 2013, by michelle in Uncategorized

Not too long ago, I remember:

  • Second guessing my every word I said.                                   woman sade
  • Guilt weighing me down about not feeling like a good enough mom, daughter, friend etc..
  • Worrying about how others were perceiving me, so much so that I could barely pay attention to what was being shared.
  • Beating myself up verbally calling myself stupid, fat, ugly – just to name a few.

And now that I think about it, I can see those self-destructive patterns starting early on, especially when I was off on my own at college and those early work years, trying to handle life on my own as best I knew how.

You wouldn’t have known it from the outside but inside I was struggling with: girl upset

  • Feeling like I was letting others down because I wasn’t meeting their expectations.
  • Comparing myself to others and not measuring up.
  • Being overwhelmed with the pressure I put on myself.
  • Not knowing how to handle the pressure and turning instead to excessive drinking, which lead to other bad choices that gave me even more reason to beat myself up.
  • Purposely punishing myself with over eating and other self-loathing behaviors.

In both these periods of my life, I can say without a doubt my feelings were the enemy.   I hated my negative feelings because it was in those moments of feeling down that I was hit with all that negativity that was just below the surface.  Those feelings left not understood created so much unnecessary drama and struggle.

If I knew then what I know now about our negative feelings, I would have known how to:

  • Be gentle with myself rather than beat myself up.                        happypeace
  • Feel at peace even when there were so many demands.
  • Make healthy choices when stressed out.
  • Take care of my inner needs rather than look outside myself for relief from my internal bully.
  • Deeply honor who I am rather than diminish my gifts.

So I started thinking:

What if there was a quick and effective way to pass along what I now know about our negative feelings so women in particular would no longer create struggle and drama because of their feelings?  

What if there was a way to get out of the patterns of self-destruction of our negative feelings and instead understand the empowered guidance of our feelings within a matter of minutes?

In that moment, it occurred to me, with the use of technology, I could “coach” individuals in the exact moment you experience a negative feeling to help you break out of how you normally react and instead take a different course of action.

onthego-logoThat is why I created F.E.E.L. On-the-Go.  With a push of a button, you now have a 24/7 emotional support system that allows you to choose from over a list of 65 different emotional states and receive coaching in 5 minutes or less via video, audio or transcript on how that particular feeling is actually there to support you, not hurt you.

You see, all self-destructive patterns are tied to your feelings.  Just as each emotion feels different (think feeling the difference between anxiety versus anger), each emotion also has a different message to get you back on track when understood from an empowered framework.

Picture moving from feeling insecure to redefining yourself in a healthy way, to shifting from overwhelm to feeling more centered, or from anger to calm, all because you understand how each negative feeling is specifically guiding you.

Most importantly what that means is that by knowing there is a way to honor what you feel rather than listen to the negativity and act upon that in unhealthy ways, you think about your emotions differently and therefore choose to respond differently.

This framework hasn’t been available until recently and now it is accessible at your fingertips, the instant you need it the most.

If you can relate to those self-destructive patterns I mentioned I struggled with not too long ago or know someone who is about to go off to college or is facing a time of transformation in their life, I encourage you to get access to F.E.E.L. On-the-Go today – for you or for them.  There is simply too much unnecessary struggle when we don’t know how to utilize our feelings to our advantage.

You should know 3 things:

  1. F.E.E.L. On-the-Go has a 30 day money back guarantee.
  2. The price is doubling at the end of August.  (The price I am offering is an introductory rate for you being a part of the F.E.E.L. community!)
  3. The few that I have allowed to test out this product have RAVED about how effective the product is in shifting them out of their negativity.

To get in at this introductory rate, click here now.

I know if I had known this before,

my life would have been different, easier, less painful and confusing.

Fortunately, my life now carries great joy, balance, and inner peace.

I wish the same for you and those you love.

Much Love,



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