Holiday Fun without the hangover: Tips for Emotionally Sensitives!

09 Dec 2017, by michelle in Well-Being

The holidays are upon us, which also means holiday parties and, likely, alcohol.

I’m not here to rain on your holiday parade.

I DO want to shift you from making unconscious, reactionary choices to conscious choices that work for you.

Being emotionally sensitive, I want you to be aware that alcohol can have other effects than just a hangover.

Also, I’ve got some ideas to help you navigate the holidays and drinking in a way that will support you to remain aligned with your truth, so you can internally keep your holiday spirit high without the side effects 😉

Catch this quick video here:


Emotionallay Sensitive and Alcohol

Here’s to you truly feeling merry from the inside-out!

michelle signature

PS: If you tend to over-drink, there is likely an emotional component that isn’t being addressed. If you want to get this in check for 2018, I can help you. Sign up for my Emotional Design Coaching waitlist here:



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