Stop Distraction Now!

22 Apr 2014, by michelle in personal development

Distraction is maddening isn’t it?

Plus, it solves nothing – except to deny the consequences to your avoidance.

Get back to taking the action you need to in four simple steps by watching this video below.

Stop Distractions Now Video

Now, let me know your favorite ways to distract. The more you can name them, the more you will be able to call yourself out when you are distracting, so please share yours in the comments below.

michelle signature

PS: Don’t distract yourself from:

A) Knowing you would like to get clearer about your next steps for your vision
B) The desire to have someone guide you as to how to make those next steps so you don’t feel like you are spinning your wheels.

Your solution awaits you, but the deadline to signing up is fast approaching.

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