How to Build REAL Confidence!

17 Jun 2013, by michelle in Uncategorized

Real confidence builds through listening to your inner wisdom. 


When you allow your inner guiding to lead you, you are trusting in yourself.  The more you trust yourself, the greater confidence you feel.

It makes sense then why so many struggle with confidence.  You see your Inner Wisdom is always leading you to act from your highest , truest self.  Yet doing so doesn’t feel safe to your friend, your ego.

Your ego’s job is to keep you safe so you don’t stick your neck out there only to look like a fool or have something bad happen to you.  Your ego is the protector of your unconscious shame that you still carry.

We don’t like to admit that this shame is still happening.  How on earth can it be that shame still exists? Haven’t you done enough inner work to knock out all the shame once and for all?

Nope – you see there is no such thing.  All that shame is just an illusion we hang onto as we grow.  And yet each time we step into more fully owning and showing all aspects of ourselves, the illusion appears in order for us to consciously choose love over fear.

It is our resistance to our shame that causes us emotional pain.

When you can address your emotional pain from love, you can recognize that what is happening is that your Inner Wisdom is guiding you to go outside your norm and your ego is manipulating you to remain within your current comfort zone.Your ego says “What are you doing?  You can’t do this.  If you do this, you won’t get your needs met.”

What your ego is trying to tell you is that if you follow your inner wisdom, if you trust your inner guidance, things won’t work out.  So get back into your box (aka your comfort zone), rather than be a fuller expression of your true self).

To make matters worse, your ego taunts you not just before you are considering stepping outside your comfort zone but after as well – just to keep you in check!

What I am really good at is sensing what you are resisting, even though you have no idea that you are resisting anything at all.  I am super sensitive to your inner tensions and the parts of you that are ready to emerge to serve you because of all of my own inner work I do.

Being able to see what you don’t even realize you are resisting and bringing that shame to the surface is what creates a BIG BREAKTHROUGH!

So what are you waiting for??

Join the Big Breakthrough Forum today by signing up here.

The process to gaining confidence is making the ego’s game conscious. What you need to do is keep reaffirming why it isn’t worth it to you to remain in your comfort zone and how the illusion is the comfort zone is safety (but it is a slow death of non-change).

If you would like support with doing this deep but so-worth-it-in-the-end inner work, now is your time because the $100 savings is ending tomorrow.   (Please note: This is a savings of $200 off the original price and thousands of dollars from working privately with me, yet you still get one-on-one time.)  It won’t get better than this, so don’t wait any longer!

Reminder: To be a part of the Big Breakthrough Forum, you must be invested in the F.E.E.L. Virtual Home Study Program in order to have the materials you need to integrate love consciousness toward your negative feelings at a core level.

Sign up here now:

I look forward to uncovering your unconscious resistance and creating real change in our next Big Breakthrough Forum scheduled for Monday June 24th 9:30pm Eastern/8:30pm Central/6:30 pm Pacific!

With Massive Love,



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