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Your Frequently Asked Questions Answered FAQ #1: Michelle, this sounds amazing but I am still not sure how the F.E.E.L. On-the-Go Program works. ANSWER: Whenever you experience a negative feeling you can receive support regarding that specific emotion you are experiencing in that moment. All you do is search on the alphabetical list of over 65 feelings and choose the feeling that you are experiencing. Next choose whether you want your coaching to be a video you watch, an audio you listen to, or a transcript you read. In 5 minutes or less, you will be aware of how your fear was triggered and showing up as a negative feelings and how you can respond from greater personal empowerment instead. Here is a screen shot for you to see how easy it is for you to access this one-of-a kind information. If your phone has access to the internet, you can also access the program that way as well. The audios can also be downloaded to your phone or mp3 player, giving you instant access that way as well. The key is having accessibility to the information you need the moment you need it so you can respond from your best self rather than react unconsciously from fear. FAQ #2: I have tried or heard of EFT or Tapping, how is F.E.E.L. On-the-Go different? ANSWER: F.E.E.L. On-the-Go is entirely different from EFT or tapping techniques. With F.E.E.L. On-the-Go, you are learning not to resist any of your feelings. Trying to clear or free your feelings means you don’t want these feelings and you are trying to get rid of them. The belief is that these feelings don’t serve you. While there are areas the EFT and tapping is supportive, those techniques don’t support you to understand why the feeling is coming up. The result is every time a negative feeling comes up, you need to apply EFT or tapping to get rid of it. The F.E.E.L. Process, on the other hand, supports you to get to the root cause of the feeling. By recognizing each negative feeling as having unique guidance that is supporting you to get outside your comfort zone and acting on that guidance, your behaviors changes, your thoughts change: YOU CHANGE! The result is the negative feeling that used to come up often for you does so less and less because you have learned to understand how the emotion is guiding to create empowered changes in your life. FAQ #3: How do I know if this program is a good fit for me? ANSWER: F.E.E.L. On-the-Go was developed for anyone who has feelings. This is a new approach to our feelings, which quite frankly, has benefitted everyone who has used it. This isn’t just for people who emotionally struggle. This is for anyone who has felt that there is something internally preventing them from moving forward. This is also for those of you who second-guess yourself, struggle with self-doubt, or feel overwhelmed from time to time. In those moments, you will receive the clear guidance you need to move forward. My dream is for every woman and girl to know that her emotions are not a sign of weakness but a strength, for that is what F.E.E.L. On-the-Go demonstrates. For those who feel consistent emotional pain and suffering, this program should be used in conjunction with personal support, such as a therapist. FAQ #4: This program is so affordable, are there any monthly fees? ANSWER: There are no monthly fees associated with this program. Once you purchase F.E.E.L. On-the-Go, you have lifetime access to all the insight, guidance, and support offered. FAQ #5: Is there a money back guarantee? ANSWER: F.E.E.L. On-the-Go has blown people away with this one-of-a-kind support offered to you at your finger tips. Yet I want you to rest assure that if for some reason you are not satisfied, you may request a refund within 30 days from date of purchase. |