Audio Recordings to Support You to Feel Empowered to Create the Changes You Want!

When we repeat information over and over in our minds, we open ourselves up to make lasting changes.  This is exactly why I created downloadable audio recordings on topics that are on the forefront of your mind.  You need new information that will empower and support you rather than feed you more information that makes you feel depleted, concerned or lost.  This is not about trying to have you positive think away today’s challenges.  These audio recordings contain real tools that will support you to have an advantage in your life.  The real advantage is having these recordings downloadable so that you can repeat this information over and over whether you download to your computer, CD or iPod.  Here is your opportunity to ingrain empowerment in your mind!

Audio Recording #1: Emotional Abundance: The Next Shift in Consciousness!

Have you ever thought that when you feel stressed or overwhelmed that it could be a gift?  If not, you haven’t heard from psychotherapist and life coach Michelle Bersell.  Michelle’s unique perspective on your emotional well-being allows you to take feelings that once weighed you down and utilize them to give you the exact direction you need to move forward.  It is time to come out of the emotional stone ages and transcend into the next consciousness shift!

Audio Recording #2:  Get Unstuck from Your Rut!

Are you in the same place you were last year?  Even with the best of intentions, sometimes we find ourselves stuck in a rut.  Whether it’s eating those “bad” foods again, having career or relationship issues, or sitting on the couch watching too much T.V., getting motivated can seem like climbing Mt. Everest!  Why don’t we do what’s best for ourselves? If you are wondering why you can’t achieve the success you desire in any area of your life, then you’ll want to listen to this audio recording that gets to the core of what is really stopping you.  Get ready to finally figure out how to unlock your emotions that keep you blocked (even when you are trying to be positive) and enhance your life once and for all!

Audio Recording #3: Live with Passionate Intensity!

Do you wake up each day excited by its’ possibilities?  Does your zest for life feel hard to contain at times?  Do you have the time and energy to create the life you want?  Do you feel certain about who you are and the steps you need to take?  If you answered no to anyone of these, this audio recording is for you!  Learn how to ignite the internal flame within you and tap into an unstoppable force that defies the limits we place upon ourselves.  Discover a unique understanding on how to find that true passionate intensity within you!

Audio Recording #4: How to Gain the Emotional Advantage During These Uncertain Times.

The truth is that our economy is severely challenged right now.  As the market keeps having record drops, our anxieties continues to rise.  Some have lost their homes and jobs. Others feel the need to be extra cautious right now due to their uncertainty about the future. We are all carrying a lot of fear, worry and anxiety due to these uncertain times.  These feelings if left unhandled or not handled properly will cause many to sink during this time. You, however, can have a distinct advantage.  Find out the exact tools and techniques that will support you to feel empowered.  Invest in you so you won’t have to sink because you will know exactly what to do that will not only allow you to swim but prosper!

Ready to Make a Change?

Make a solid and wise choice – INVEST IN YOU!

All four recordings for $57.00